Das é uma Guia de recolhimentos que faz unificação dos impostos que devem ser pagos por uma empresa optante pelo Simples Nacional.
Os impostos são;
IRPJ: Imposto sobre a Renda da Pessoa Jurídica.
IPI: Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados.
CSLL: Contribuição Social sobre o Lucro Líquido.
COFINS: Contribuição para o Financiamento de Seguridade Social.
PIS: Programa de Integração Social
CPP: Contribuição Patronal Previdenciária.
ICMS: Imposto sobre Operação Relativas à Circulação de Mercadoria, Prestação de Serviços de Transporte Interestadual e Intermunicipal e de Comunicação.
ISS: Imposto dobre Serviço de qualquer natureza.
Before you import a car you should calculate the cost of shipping a car. We have a calculator available on our website that you can use to calculate the cost of container shipping, RO-RO or shipping large cars and motorbikes yourself. We take care of all the necessary tests and customs processes so that you can enjoy your new car without any hassle. Also our company delivers from different parts of the world and many countries, providing a high level of professionalism.
Our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services are meticulously crafted to enhance your digital presence and drive organic traffic to your website. We understand the ever-evolving dynamics of SEO and are dedicated to implementing strategies that not only align with search engine algorithms but also cater to your unique business needs. Our approach is thorough, data-driven, and tailored to deliver long-term, tangible results.
Local SEO services optimize your online presence for local searches. Enhance visibility in local listings, attract nearby customers, and boost your business's search engine rankings with targeted geographic optimization strategies.
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Claws Custom Boxes sincerely offers you the option of placing orders for the business boxes at reasonable costs.we create especially exclusive designs for you that no one else uses for themselves. Thus, your uniqueness comes also with genuine designs on your wholesale business card boxes.
Large FlipTops are multi-purpose and practical solutions for keeping smaller products clean, monitored, and simply stored away. Extra Large FlipTop Storage boxes are modular in design and securely stacked both singly
Claws Custom Boxes is a top-notch packaging company in the UK working to fabricate exceptional small custom boxes for products of various industries. We design and create boxes in all shapes, sizes, and designs. You can get fully custom packaging boxes in the UK with your brand’s logo, name, and specifications at affordable rates. Get quality retail packaging solutions for all niches or products you need! Get high-quality Custom Printed Boxes. Custom box packaging offers all kinds of boxes at reasonable rates in the UK with free personalized shipping boxes and free design.
Cookies are loved by all. Whatever the age is, people love to eat cookies because of their crunchy freshness and gooey goodness. There are several cookie manufacturing brands. Claws Custom Boxes LTD is here to give them all the attention by designing the best Packaging. The cookie boxes that have a beautiful look always stand out on the shelves. The packing of cookies is as important as the cookies themselves. Hence, we provide the boxes in all shapes and sizes that the client wishes to have.
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